Web app for Patient Health Records system
Services Research, Design, Requirements Engineering, Development
About this Project
As a part of my master thesis I have developed a basic Patient Health Records system (PHR). This information system supports continuous monitoring of persons and simplifies monitoring activities for health workers.
I have analysed the most popular PHR systems in US, UK and Europe. And then summarised the types of capabilities that these PHRs provide.
After that analysis I designed a new PHR system: The Patients Health Monitoring system for our future modelling and research. The design process is a series of steps for developing a new system.
In design phase I created use case diagrams and class diagrams, then provided requirement analysis, such as functional and non-functional requirements. In addition I designed the activity diagrams of the developed system and provided UI prototype.
The next step is implementation and deployment. Our system is implemented in Java
using JavaEE platform as a web application. It uses Spring and Hibernate frameworks to
provide inversion of control container, dependency injection (Spring) and object-relation
mapping (ORM).
The result of this work is a complete application for continuous health
The final step is modelling monitoring system. In this part I created patterns for the monitoring system and elicited Awareness Requirements from these patterns.
The monitoring system as opposed to typical PHR system does the following tasks: looks at patients’ trends for creating significant events, analyses patterns and chooses an action (e.g., alert doctor, notify a nurse or a relative).
These monitoring system features help doctors to spend less time to analyze patients trends and allow to easily prioritize monitoring health conditions for high risk patients.
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